Friday, October 24, 2014

The Basics

Nowadays you don't hear much about being holy. Many people might not even know what being holy is; what the fundamentals to being holy are. What does holy mean? gives this definition: 'Specially recognized as or declares sacred by religious use or authority, consecrated.' In substance, being holy is when we, as Christians, are chaste, and Godlike. Holiness and Christlikeness go hand in hand. Being Christlike means to take on the characteristics of Christ, obtaining compassion and mercy for others and showing and giving love to people. This won't just occur overnight, although that would be marvelous, it takes discipline to obtain holiness. 1 Timothy 4:7 (King James Version) "But refuse profane and old wives, fables and exercise thyself rather unto Godliness." Verse 8 continues to say "For bodily exercise profiteth little: but Godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come." Being holy isn't something that you can grasp in a short amount of time. It takes commitment, dedication and determination. Holiness isn't only about being like Christ but it's about breaking bad habits ad forming disciplines that will help you know more about Christ and how to live and show the people around you how living a holy life can work wonders. I found this quote from, "How happy is the one whom God reproves, therefore do not despise the discipline of the almighty. For he wounds, but he binds up; he strikes, but his hands heal." Unfortunately the author is unknown.
Synonyms for discipline are; practice, preparation, orderliness, obedience and subordination. Some people think of discipline as a punishment kids receive from eating cookies before dinner, or picking their nose and wiping it on their sister. In those cases, yes discipline is to show authority and obedience, but in the case of holiness, disciplines are to make you stronger as an individual and more confident. Basic disciplines we all, myself included, should practice are daily devotions, Bible reading and prayer. Not only can and will those three disciplines help personally but they will help spiritually because the more spiritually in tune we are the more we are able to see how holiness can saturate our lives and change us.
Holiness and separation that are two key components Apostolic's live by. put separation as, to keep apart or divide, as by an interviewing barrier or space. I'm not talking about always being inside of a glass box where you can see people but can't interact with anyone, but being separate simply means not being conformed by the things or ways of the world. Another way of putting it; living in the world but not being apart of the world. Simply put, if someone cuts you off and you become angry; most people would flip out, bang the steering wheel and cuss, but having a separate mindset from the world can change how we act. Living a holy life can help prevent things like that from happening and we will have control of our anger and how we react to certain situations.

 2 Corinthians 6:17 says "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you." 

Romans 12:2  "Don't be conformed by this world, be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern that is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." 

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