Thursday, November 6, 2014

Distinctively Different: Apparel

Being a Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal young lady, there are certain standards I choose to live by. I have grown up in Pentecostalism all my life, and what I've been taught was something my parents thought was right, according to the Bible. I am not forced to wear skirts by anyone, I freely have the choice to dress how I choose to. I feel in my heart that I am supposed to dress in a modest way, knowing that it is pleasing to God. Growing up I have always seen girls wearing pants, it is just something that's so natural in this world now. No one takes a second look at a lady if shes in nice dress slacks or nice jeans, but people do notice when women wear skirts that aren't too tight and have a modest length. There's always something different about the atmosphere when I see fellow Apostolic women in the mall or at a restaurant. Sometimes I think to myself, "Is this how people look at me when they see me?" I want people to know the truth that the Bible teaches by looking at me and I want people to think that there's something different about Apostolic's in the way they act and especially the way they dress.

Deuteronomy 22:5 "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God." 

There has been a lot is dispute about what this verse actually means. I have studied a lot about men and women's apparel on my own. Apostolic teachings believe that men and women should look and act divergent in every aspect of life. Pants were designed for men, and it has always been that way. Looking back in history women have always worn dresses and men have always worn pants, that's how they looked separated and distinctively different from one another. There are certain things that women should not wear because it is part of men's clothing and there are certain things that men shouldn't wear because it is a part of women's clothing.
Last weekend I was driving downtown around the Circle in Indianapolis meeting up with my friends. I see two big tour buses, not thinking anything about it I drive right on by and all of a sudden I see a group of drag queens walking around the circle. Personally, I think that men dressing up like women is humorous, but also wrong. Why would men want to look like women? What's the purpose of that? Why would they want to act in such a way when they weren't created to act in that way. If God wanted a man to be a woman, he would of made him a woman, not a man. People are born with a purpose and an intention and a will for their life. God made me a woman because he has a certain plan for my life. I can help young girls who are going through the same struggles I went through growing up. I can be a witness to young teenagers in this world, showing them it's okay to look and act in a Godly way. It's not weird, it's the right thing to do.
Same can be said for women. Although I don't think there are clubs or groups of people where women dress up and act like men. But it is a little strange to see a woman look like a man, even if it is just in clothing. I used to say I was a "tomboy". A lot of girls go through a stage in there life where they want to do what the boys do, act like them, get dirty and muddy like them. There were two girls I went to elementary school with and even middle school with and all throughout Elementary and middle school they dressed in basketball shorts and baggy t-shirts and always hung out with the guys. Then in high school when they decided they didn't want to do that anymore, it was odd but great to see them look so feminine.
That should be our purpose. To live for God in a holy and righteous way, making sure our soul is right with him. If we have convictions about certain things, to not do them. When we have a conviction about something, when we know in our heart that God has told us not to do it, but we still do it, then it becomes a salvation issue. That's when we have to check ourselves and ask if we are in the will of God.

"Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only." James 2:24

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